From the Nurse
Nurse Information Forms:
Physical Exam Forms – All students are required to have a physical examination form completed by a physician prior to entering school and when entering 6th grade . This form should be given to the nurse.
Dental Examination Form – All students are required to have a dental examination form completed by a dentist.
Emergency Contact Form – Each student is required to have an emergency contact form on record. If any information changes, please contact the main office immediately. This is for the safety of our child during school hours.
Permission to Administer Medication – Each student taking medication must have this form completed. The school will not be able to administer any medication without the completed form on file with the nurse.
Physical Education Medical Exemption Form – Have your child’s doctor complete this form if your child has a health issue that does not allow him / her to participate fully in Physical Education Class.
Physical, Vision, and Hearing Screenings
As per Pennsylvania State Mandate, every student each year will receive the following: a vision test by a school nurse, medical technician or teacher, a hearing test by a school nurse or medical technician, a measurement of height and weight by a school nurse or teacher, who shall use the measurement to compute a child’s weight-for-height ratio.
New Vaccination Requirements – Please click here for the new vaccination requirements for students in all grades
Notes from the Nurse:
Just a reminder:
• All 6th grade students must have returned a completed physical form for this school year. Please see above for forms.
• All 7th grade students must have a completed dental exam form for this school year. Please see above for forms.
• New immunizations requirements beginning in September, 2017, require:
4 doses of tetanus, diptheria and acellur pertussis *
(1 dose on or after 4th birthday)*
4 doses of polio
(4th doseon or after 4th birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose given)**
2 doses of measles, mumps, rubella ***
3 doses of hepatitis B
2 doses of varicella (chicken pox) or evidence of immunity
* Usually given as DTP or DTaP or DT or Td
** A 4th dose not necessary if the 3rd dose was administered at age 4 years or older and at least 6 months after the previous dose
*** Usually given as MMR
SY 2022-23 Health & Safety Update
Please send an updated copy of your child’s immunization records to the nurse. For all immunization information please click here